Recent News:

September 2024: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2025 DATE.

August 2024: Our journal paper is accepted for publication in IEEE TCASAI!

July 2024: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2025 ASP-DAC.

May 2024: Our proposal for a special session at ESWeek 2024 has been accepted! The session is entitled: "Neuro-Symbolic Architecture Meets LLMs: A Memory-Centric Perspective".

April 2024: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2024 ICCAD.

November 2023: Two papers accepted for presentation at IEEE/ACM DATE 2024.

October 2023: Dr. Ibrahim joined Georgia Tech (Center for the Co-Design of Cognitive Systems) to work as a Senior Research Staff, advised by Prof. Arijit Raychowdhury.

July 2022: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2024 DATE.

October 2022: A poster of our work on hyperdimensional computing presented by Youbin Kim at IBM IEEE CAS/EDS AI Compute Symposium.

July 2022: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2023 DATE.

March 2022: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for the 2022 ICCAD.

February 2022: Dr. Ibrahim will serve on the PC for the 2022 ISVLSI.

December 2021: A paper accepted at CLeaR 2022, a workshop to be held in conjunction with AAAI 2022.

November 2021: Dr. Ibrahim was invited to give a lecture on efficient hardware implementations of brain-inspired computing at Berkeley's Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. The lecture is part of Neuroscience 299.

September 2021: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a session chair for the 2021 ICCAD.

August 2021: Our paper titled "Efficient Regulation of Synthetic Biocircuits Using Droplet-Aliquot Operations on MEDA Biochips" is accepted for publication at IEEE TCAD.

July 2021: Dr. Ibrahim is invited to serve on the PC for the 2022 DATE.

May 2021: Dr. Ibrahim is invited to serve on the PC for the 2021 ICCAD.

May 2021: Dr. Ibrahim joins UC Berkeley as a Postdoctoral Researcher. He will work on brain-inspired computing.

February 2021: Dr. Ibrahim is invited to serve as a TPC member for the 2021 ISVLSI. Here is the CFP.

January 2021: Dr. Ibrahim is invited to serve as a TPC member for the 8th ACM NanoCom, 2021. Here is the CFP.

January 2021: Our journal paper, BioCyBig: A Cyberphysical System for Integrative Microfluidics-Driven Analysis of Genomic Association Studies, has been recommended by IEEE Transactions on Big Data to be referenced in IEEE Computer's "Spotlight on Transactions" column. Congratulations!

November 2020: Dr. Ibrahim attends ACM/IEEE MLCAD (virtually) to present his work on AdaPool.

October 2020: Dr. Ibrahim's paper, "AdaPool: Multi-Armed Bandits for Adaptive Virology Screening on Cyber-Physical Digital-Microfluidic Biochips", is accepted for publication in the ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD). Congratulations!

May 2020: Great news! Our research, "Molecular Barcoding as a Defense against Benchtop Biochemical Attacks on DNA Fingerprinting and Information Forensics", is showcased on Duke University Pratt School of Engineering's website! Check out this link. It also appeared on other pages such as

May 2020: Good news! Our journal paper entitled "Molecular Barcoding as a Defense against Benchtop Biochemical Attacks on DNA Fingerprinting and Information Forensics" is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security. Congratulations!

April 2020: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for DATE'2021.

March 2020: Dr. Ibrahim has finally completed Coursera specialization on Reinforcement Learning. Check out the Certificate.

January 2020: Dr. Ibrahim will serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI'2020.

November 2019: Mohamed is in Westminster, Colorado to attend ICCAD'19 and present a paper on the "Internet of Microfluidic Things".

October 2019: Our journal paper entitled "Bio-chemical Assay Locking to Thwart Bio-IP Theft" is accepted for publication in the ACM TODAES! Congratulations!

October 2019: Dr. Ibrahim has finally completed Coursera specialization on Deep Learning. Check out the Certificate.

August 2019: Our paper entitled "Internet of Microfluidic Things: Perspectives on System Architecture and Design Challenges" is accepted at ICCAD'19. The paper will be presented in a special session on microfluidics. Join us at ICCAD to learn more!

July 2019: Our paper entitled "Synterface: Efficient Chip-to-World Interfacing for Flow-Based Microfluidic Biochips Using Control-Pin Minimization" is accepted at CASES'19. The paper will be published in the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). Kudos to Aditya Sridhar who led this project while he was an undergraduate student at Duke!

June 2019: Mohamed to serve as a TPC member for the 2020 IEEE/ACM Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference (DATE).

May 2019: Good news! Mohamed received the 2019 Outstanding Dissertation Award from the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University!.

March 2019: Mohamed is in Florence, Italy to present the "BioScan" paper at the 2019 IEEE/ACM DATE Conference.

March 2019: Mohamed to serve as a TPC member for 27th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SoC'19). The conference will be held in Peru in October 2019. Download the CFP.

March 2019: Our journal paper entitled "Analysis and Design of Tamper-Mitigating Microfluidic Routing Fabrics" is accepted for publication in IEEE TCAD. Congratulations!

Feb. 2019: Mohamed to serve as a TPC member for 6th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NanoCom'19). Download the CFP.

Dec. 2018: Wonderful news! Mohamed was named the recipient of the 2018 Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering! This is a prestigious award, and Mohamed was selected among other 68 applicants across the United States and Canada. Congratulations!.


Welcome! I am Mohamed Ibrahim, a Senior Research Engineer and Research Faculty Member at the Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Arijit Raychowdhury. Before joining Georgia Tech, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Prof. Jan M. Rabaey. My research lies at the intersection of embodied intelligence, VLSI design, brain-inspired computing, and hardware-software co-design. My goal is to advance embodied AI applications by creating energy-efficient AI hardware and systems that are inherently adaptable, reliable, and trustworthy.

I received my Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in 2018 and 2017, respectively, both in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University. Following my PhD studies, I worked for three years in the semiconductor industry, where I gained extensive experience in hardware-software co-design for a variety of SoC designs. I have also been on the technical program committees for multiple conferences, including ICCAD, DATE, and ASP-DAC. Additionally, I serve as an expert reviewer for a large number of conferences and journals.

My research has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering, and an Outstanding Dissertation award from the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. I also received a Best Paper Award at the 2017 DATE Conference.

"I am on the academic job market this year! If your institution is looking for someone who does multidisciplinary research in hardware-accelerated AI, embedded systems, or hardware-software co-design, please reach out!"


Dr. Ibrahim's Work on Developing Genetic Barcodes to Ensure Authentic DNA Fingerprints [Duke's Pratt School of Engineering] [NYU's Tandon School of Engineering] [] [WRAL] [NSF]

Dr. Ibrahim Received 2018 Council of Graduate Schools(CGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award [Duke Graduate School] [Council of Graduate Schools]

Research Interests


Honors and Awards